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  • español


Ancient inscriptions are not simply texts. As verbal utterances they are linked to monuments that are in one way or another on public display, and monument and text together communicate as a whole with contemporary society. The objective of the Berlin Congress is to achieve a more precise understanding of the ever-changing relationship in the modes of display which link monument and text. The Congress is designed to bring epigraphic scholarship into a dialogue with the associated disciplines of Ancient History, Philology, Archaeology and Linguistics.

The four morning plenary sessions will engage, among other themes, with the meeting of diverse ancient epigraphic cultures, with epigraphy in civic and rural contexts, and with the topic of public entertainment. These approaches will be developed in further thematic sessions in the afternoon programs. The Congress will also include panels concerned with current research, new discoveries, and the history of epigraphic scholarship. Numerous diverse topics will be presented in poster format during the Congress.